This is something I did already years ago. It’s been the pandemic, and we shared our user manuals to get to know each other better. Too bad I don’t have access anymore to, so I just wrote a new one. The initial idea stems from a Confluence template. You can find it here.

Environments I like to work in

I enjoy smaller offices with some living room vibes. I struggle to focus when there are too many conversations around me. Especially when they are not directly related to my current project or task.

Whiteboards are great. Spaces for collaboration and pair programming are even greater.

For deep work I enjoy isolation. You know I’m in focus mode when I have my headphones on. In that case please give me some time if doable.

Preferred working hours

08:00 - 16:00

Communication preferences

Making time for face-to-face communication is important to me. That being said. If everyday things can be communicated asynchronously, I prefer text or sending a Loom.

For everything that needs to be done synchronously, you can make me happy by sending me a calendar invite with a brief description of what needs to be discussed.

Preferred ways to receive feedback

As soon as possible. Let’s start with the biggest issues and let me improve from there.

Things I need

A clear understanding of what the objective is. Then I need early feedback so I can iterate as soon as possible. Please note I struggle to ask for feedback when I’m under pressure or very afraid to fail.

How I learn best

By failing while actually doing something. I wish I could learn by frontal teaching but I won’t grasp a lot. I prefer written instructions over verbal ones.

Things I struggle with

  • context switches
  • open office spaces
  • unclear expectations
  • Hello messages or requests “for a quick call” without context.