My User Manual

This is something I did already years ago. It’s been the pandemic, and we shared our user manuals to get to know each other better. Too bad I don’t have access anymore to, so I just wrote a new one. The initial idea stems from a Confluence template. You can find it here. Environments I like to work in I enjoy smaller offices with some living room vibes. I struggle to focus when there are too many conversations around me....

December 4, 2024 · Martin Gallauner

My talk at GopherconEU 2024

Last June, I finished my most extensive quest of some time. I overcame my fear of public speaking, and I picked a topic that was very new to me. TLDR Here For me, it’s painful to watch and I’m working on improving my presentation skills and going deeper into the topics. Challenges and goal-setting Having a deadline works like magic. Knowing that the day you need to present a topic is creeping up sharpens your motivation....

September 8, 2024 · Martin Gallauner

Hello Goffeine

This week, I actually made time to code on a little fun project I had on my mind for some time. Early mornings turned out to be quite productive while being on a family vacation and I had tons of fun putting that together. What is it? Goffeine is a simple caffeine-tracking tool that runs in your terminal. It allows you to add your caffeine consumption in natural language. Also, you can prompt your estimated caffeine levels, including the expected breakdown of caffeine in your body....

August 31, 2024 · Martin Gallauner

Week 30 of 2024

What happened this week? My most fun work task this week has been to debug a service written in Kotlin. I got notified because one endpoint is throwing 500 with the sidenote that one never performed well. Turns out the data was fetched too many times and someone tried to make it more performant by making it run in parallel, like 30 times. That reminded me of Bill Kennedy’s workshop in Berlin this year I attended....

July 29, 2024 · Martin Gallauner

Week 29 of 2024

What happened this week? I finally kicked my butt and posted something on my blog. I’m not ready to tell you when I actually set it up. Work was tough at times. I’m deeply disappointed by Kotlin’s readability. After that, I appreciated Go even more. Or maybe it’s ugly code; I don’t know. The recording of my talk at GopherconEU in Berlin was released this week. I haven’t watched it yet because listening to my own voice gives me the shivers....

July 21, 2024 · Martin Gallauner